Edward Osborne Wilson: berrikuspenen arteko aldeak

Ezabatutako edukia Gehitutako edukia
t bizialdia
t Robota: Aldaketa kosmetikoak
3. lerroa:
'''Edward Osborne Wilson''' ([[Birmingham (Alabama)|Birmingham]], [[Alabama]], [[1929]]ko [[ekainaren 10]]a), Estatu Batuetako [[biologia|biologo]], [[Entomologia|entomologo]] eta mundu mailako ospeko [[mirmekologia|mirmekologoa]] da. [[Soziobiologia]]ren eta XXI. mendean garatu den [[bioaniztasun|biodibertsitatearen]] arlo zientifikoaren sortzailea ere bada.
== Lanak (ingelesez) ==
* ''Character displacement'', William Brown Jr-ekin batera, 1956an, zientziaren historian artikulu aipaturikoaren onarpena izan du.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://ripley.si.edu/ent/nmnhtypedb/wlb/WLB_Library_Obit.htm|title=WLB_Obit|work=si.edu}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://en.academic.ru/dic.nsf/enwiki/912016|title=Character displacement|work=Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias}}</ref>
* ''The Theory of Island Biogeography'', 1967, Princeton University Press (2001 reprint), ISBN 0-691-08836-5, with Robert MacArthur|Robert H. MacArthur
* [http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674454903 ''The Insect Societies''], 1971, Harvard University Press, ISBN 0-674-45490-1
23. lerroa:
* ''The Future of Life'', 2002, Knopf, ISBN 0-679-45078-5
* ''Pheidole in the New World: A Dominant, Hyperdiverse Ant Genus'',<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674002937|title=Pheidole in the New World|work=harvard.edu}}</ref> 2003, Harvard University Press, ISBN 0-674-00293-8
* ''From So Simple a Beginning: Darwin's Four Great Books''. 2005, W. W. Norton.
* ''The Creation: An Appeal to Save Life on Earth'', September 2006, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. ISBN 978-0-393-06217-5
* ''Nature Revealed: Selected Writings 1949-2006'', ISBN 0-8018-8329-6
* ''The Superorganism: The Beauty, Elegance, and Strangeness of Insect Societies'', 2009, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. ISBN 978-0-393-06704-0, with Bert Hölldobler
* ''Anthill: A Novel'', April 2010, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. ISBN 978-0-393-07119-1
* ''Kingdom of Ants: Jose Celestino Mutis and the Dawn of Natural History in the New World'', 2010, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, with José María Gómez Durán
* ''The Leafcutter Ants: Civilization by Instinct'', 2011, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. ISBN 978-0-393-33868-3, with Bert Hölldobler
* ''The Social Conquest of Earth'', 2013, Liveright Publishing Corporation, New York, ISBN 0871403633
* ''Letters to a Young Scientist'', 2014, Liveright, ISBN 0871403854
* ''The Meaning of Human Existence'', 2014, Liveright, ISBN 0871401002
== Erreferentziak ==
40. lerroa:
{{bizialdia|1929ko||Wilson, Edward Osborne}}
[[Kategoria:Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako biologoak]]