Sorgorraldi: berrikuspenen arteko aldeak

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Etiketak: Mugikor edizioa Mugikor web edizioa
3. lerroa:
Organismoek ingurunearekin sinkronizatu dezakete sorgor fase batera sartzea, iragarpenezko edo ondoriozko baliabideen bidez:
*iragarpenezko sorgorraldia (edo primarioa) haztenhasten da baldintzaaurkako txarrakbaldintzak izan baino lehen. Adibidez, [[fotoperiodo]]aren murrizteaz eta tenperaturen jeisteaz baliatzen dira landare batzuk neguaren etorrera iragarteko.
*ondoriozko sorgorraldia (edo sekundarioa) hasten da aurkako baldintzak ezarri ondoren.
Organisms can synchronize entry to a dormant phase with their environment through predictive or consequential means. Predictive dormancy occurs when an organism enters a dormant phase before the onset of adverse conditions. For example, photoperiod and decreasing temperature are used by many plants to predict the onset of winter.O Consequential dormancy occurs when organisms enter a dormant phase after adverse conditions have arisen. This is commonly found in areas with an unpredictable climate. While very sudden changes in conditions may lead to a high mortality rate among animals relying on consequential dormancy, its use can be advantageous, as organisms remain active longer and are therefore able to make greater use of available resources.------>