Hairspray: berrikuspenen arteko aldeak

Ezabatutako edukia Gehitutako edukia
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11. lerroa:
Nerabeek Tracy eta Penny eskolan parte hartu zuten ikuskizunean, besteak beste, Amber von Tussle eta bere mutil-laguna Link Larkin, bertako dantzari nagusia. Amberren amak, Velma, WYZTk kudeatzen du, Amberren parte hartzea bermatuz. Collins eta ikuskizuneko gainerako dantzariak zuriak dira, eta Velmak afrikar amerikar haurren parte hartzea soilik hilabetean behin baimentzen du, "Black Day" egunean, Motormouth Maybellek R & B diskotekak antolatua.
Egun batean, ikuskizuneko dantzarietako batek baja egitean, ordezkoa bilatzeko audizioak antolatzen dira. Tracy audizioetara aurkezten da, baina, Velmak, gehiegizko pisua eta integrazioa aldeko aldarriak egitea egotzita kaleratu egiten du. Tracy zigortu egiten dute eskolara ez joateagatik, eta "Black Day" haurtxoak zigor gelan entseatzen ikusten ditu. Tracy Seaweeden lagun egiten da, ikasleen dantzari onena eta Motormouth Maybelle-ren semea, eta hainbat dantza mugimendu irakasten dizkio Tracy ri. Tracyk zigor gelatik alde egiten duenean nahigabe Linkekin estropezu egin eta berarekin amesten hasten da.. Diskoetxe batean, Tracy-k Collins-en arreta erakartzen du eta ikuskizunean parte hartzera gonbidatzen du.
Tracy Corny-ren artista ezagunenetako bat bihurtzen da, Amber-en ikuskizuna urterourteroko "Miss Teenage Hairspray" orrialderakoorrialdeko irabazleairabazleaizatea etakolokan jarriz, Link-ekin duen harremana irabaztearrenzalantzan jartzeaz gain. Pinky jaunak iradokitzen du Tracyk bere Hefty Hideaway boutiqueboutikeko bozeramailea izan behar duela. Tracyk bere ama agoraphobikoariagorafobikoa persuadakonbentzitzen egiten dio, Edna, beredu jantziaraEdnak bere agente gisa lagunjardun dezan.
Tracyek Penny-ren alga-algaraSeawedd aurkezten dudio Pennyri eta bibiak zauritu egitendaude dirazauriturik. Geroago, Tracy eta Link atxilotuak direnean,Seaweddek algak neskekneskak eta LinkekLink gonbidatzen dituzte,ditu bera eta bere arreba Little Inezekin etabatera harenMaybellen ahizpa,dendan Maybelle-renegingo dendanden parte hartzekojaira bertaratzeko . EdnaEdnak Tracy aurkitzen du Tracy hanbertan eta bere etxea hartzeneramaten saiatzen da, baina Maybellek konbentzitu egiten du lobertan egiteko, eta bere burua harrotasunez kontatzen diogeratzeko. HamabostaldianFestan, Maybelle-k Velma-k "Black Day"a bertan behera utzi duela jakinarazten diodu, eta Tracy-k iradokitzen du martxanintegrazioaren integratzekoaldeko martxa bat antolatzeko. Edna bere senarraren Wilbur-en dendara itzultzen da, baina Velma lehenengoa lortzeniristen duda eta hura liluratzen saiatzen da. Wilbur-ekWilburri ezjakintasunadesleialtasuna adierazileporatu ondoren, EdnaEdnak debekatzen duTracyri Tracyikuskizunean ikuskizunaagertzean izateadebekatzen dio. BerakIritzia gogoanaldatzen hartzendu ditu,Wilburrekin Wilbur eta berarekin batberadiskidetzen egindadenean.
Biharamun goizean, Tracy-k etxetik irten eta protestaprotestarekin egiterabat iritsikoegiten dadu. ManifestazioekManifestazioan borroka egitenpizten dute,da eta Tracyk Tracy Pingletons etxera doaihes etaegiten babesgunedu, babeslekubere bateanburua ezkutatzenbertan daezkutatuz. Hala eta guztiz ere, Pennyren ama, Prudence-k, TracyiTracyren poliziaridesagerpena jakinarazijakinarazten dio bere alaba lotu aurretik bere oheanpoliziari. Wilbur, algakSeaweed eta bere lagunek lagunduta, TracyTracyk eta PennyPennyk ihes egitenegitea lagundulortuko dute.Linek EstekaTracyren bisitatzenetxera dudoa Tracyren etxerabere bila, etaberataz konturatzenmaiteminduta dadagoela maitejakitearekin duelabatera. AlgaSeaweed eta Penny ere aitortuelkar maitasunamaite ihes egitendutela ariohartuko direndira bitarteanihesaldian.
Velantek Veliki-kVelmak poliziak WYZT inguruan jartzen ditu TracyriWYZTren inguruan Tracy bertan sartzea saihesteko. AldaketakGidoian ere aldatzenmoldaketak egiten ditu, beraz,Amberren Amberrekgaraipena irabazi duziurtatuz. Penny Edna-renrekin orrialdeetarabatera iristen da eszenatokira, Wilbur, algak,Seaweed eta Black Day-ko haurrek Tracy-k estudioan sartzen laguntzen duten bitartean. Linkek Amber-etikAmberrengandik ihes egiten du Tracy-rekin dantzatzeko; Geroagoeta, Algekengeroago, Seaweeden arreba txikia atera nuen, Little Inez, agertokian oraintxedantza dantzandezan dantzatzekobultzatzen du.
Amberrek berekoroa txapelketaberreskuratzeko koroasaiakerek berretsikale nahiegiten dudute. Little Inezek irabaziirabazten du orrialdeandantzaldia euskarriazken sendoarenorduko ondorenbabes olatu baten ondorioz, The Corny Collins Show arrakastaz integratuz. Velmak Amber-ek bere makila eskema bati buruz esaten dio Edna-k landutako kamera baten aurrean, eta tiro egiten du. The Corny Collins Show plakaospakizun bat bihurtzen da ospakizun gisa, Tracy eta Link musumusukatzen diren gisabitartean.
== Aktoreen zerrenda ==
'''Pertsonaia nagusiak'''
* Nikki Blonsky Tracy Edna Turnbladen paperean: Gainpisua duen neska alaia, dantzaren jarraitzaile sutsua. T
* John Travolta Edna Turnbladen paperean: Tracyren ama eta garbiketa negozioaren jabea, agorafobikoa eta bere gainpisuaz lotsatzen dena.obesity.
* Michelle Pfeiffer as Velma Von Tussle, the manager of station WYZT and a racist and sizeist. Velma is interested in keeping her daughter Amber in the spotlight and ''The Corny Collins Show'' segregated. ''Hairspray'' was the first film featuring Pfeiffer to be released in five years. ''Stardust'', also featuring Pfeiffer, was shot before ''Hairspray'', but released three weeks afterwards. The peculiarity of Pfeiffer and Travolta appearing onscreen together (Travolta starred in ''Grease'', Pfeiffer in ''[[Grease (filma)|Grease 2]]'') was not lost on the production staff; Travolta requested that Pfeiffer play the part of the villainess.
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* Elijah Kelley as Seaweed J. Stubbs, Maybelle's son, a skilled dancer who teaches Tracy some dance moves and falls in love with her friend, Penny. Kelley, a relative newcomer to film, overcame other auditioners and several popular R&B stars for the part of Seaweed.
* Allison Janney as Prudence "Prudy" Pingleton, Penny's mother, a Christian fundamentalist whose strict parenting keeps Penny from experiencing social life. Her husband is serving a prison sentence for an unspecified crime. After having tied her daughter to her bed, Prudy is horrified to see that her daughter has broken out and is on TV, kissing Seaweed.
'''Bigarren mailako pertsonaiak'''
; Minor roles
* Paul Dooley as Harriman F. Spritzer, the owner of the "Ultra Clutch" company and the main sponsor of ''The Corny Collins Show''. Although he prefers to keep ''The Corny Collins Show'' segregated, he will follow public opinion if it increases sales.
* Jayne Eastwood as Miss Wimsey, Tracy’s geography teacher; gives Tracy the detention note that first leads her to Seaweed.
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* Taylor Parks as Little Inez Stubbs, Maybelle's teenage daughter, Seaweed's younger sister, and a skilled dancer. Inez is based in part upon Ruby Bridges, the first black child to attend a formerly all-white school in the state of Louisiana.
* George King as Mr. Flak, Amber, Link, and Tracy's history teacher. He gives Tracy detention when Amber frames Tracy of drawing a picture of him with breasts. He gives Link detention as well for coming to Tracy's defense.
'''Kontseiluko kideak'''
; Council members
* Curtis Holbrook as Brad
* Hayley Podschun as Tammy
65. lerroa:
* Arike Rice
* Tanee McCall
; CameosKameoak
In addition to the principal actors, the film contained several cameo appearances by individuals involved in the history of ''Hairspray'':
* Ricki Lake (Tracy Turnblad in the original film) as William Morris Talent Agent #1, (Audio) performs "''Mama, I'm a Big Girl Now''".
* Adam Shankman (choreographer/director of the film) as William Morris Talent Agent #2 (Audio) sings "''Tied Up in the Knots of Sin''" with Shaiman which is heard when Prudy turns the record player on while she ties up Penny.
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* Anne Fletcher (Associate choreographer) as the school nurse
* Zach Woodlee (Associate choreographer) as Smoking teacher
; Abestien Kameoak
; Singing cameos
* Marissa Jaret Winokur (Original Broadway cast's Tracy) performs "''Mama, I'm a Big Girl Now''"
* Harvey Fierstein (Original Broadway cast's Edna) as brief singing cameo in the end credits "''Mama, I'm a Big Girl Now''"
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* Aimee Allen performs "''Cooties''"
== MusicalIkuskizun numbersmusikalak ==
SeeIkusi alsogainera: [[Hairspray (2007 soundtrack)]]
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# "Mama, I'm a Big Girl Now" (''end credits'') – Ricki Lake, Marissa Jaret Winokur, and Nikki Blonsky with Harvey Fierstein
# "Cooties" (''end credits'') – Aimee Allen
== Ekoizpena ==
Music producer/composer/co-lyricist Marc Shaiman and co-lyricist Scott Wittman were required to alter their Broadway ''Hairspray'' song score in various ways in order to work on film, from changing portions of the lyrics in some songs (e.g., "(The Legend of) Miss Baltimore Crabs", "Big, Blonde, and Beautiful", and "You Can't Stop the Beat") to more or less completely removing other songs from the film altogether.
=== Garapen goiztiarra ===
"Mama, I'm a Big Girl Now", a popular number from the stage musical, features Tracy, Penny, and Amber arguing with their respective mothers. Neither Shankman nor Dixon could come up with a solution for filming "Mama" that did not require a three-way split screen — something they wanted to avoid — and both felt the number did not adequately advance the plot. As a result, "Mama" was reluctantly dropped from the film during pre-production, although it is used by Shaiman as an instrumental number when the ''Corny Collins'' kids dance the "Stricken Chicken". A special version of "Mama" was recorded for the film's end credits in May 2007, during the final score recording process, which featured vocals from each of the three women most famous for portraying Tracy Turnblad: Ricki Lake from the 1988 film, Marissa Jaret Winokur from the original Broadway cast, and Nikki Blonsky from the 2007 film. Harvey Fierstein, who portrayed Edna as part of the original Broadway cast, has a brief cameo moment in the end credits version of "Mama" as well.
Broadway izen bereko musikak izandako arrakastari jarraiki, 2003an zortzi Tony Sari irabazi zituena, New Line Cinema, OME jabetzako 1988an John Waters film horien gainean, agertokian musika oinarritzen da eskubideak, izan zen etapa ikuskizuna gisa egokitzeko interesa film musikala. 2004ko amaieran hasi ziren garapen lanak, eta Mel Brooks-eko ekoizleek ekoizpenean ekoizpenean parte hartu zuten Broadway-to-film-eko antzeko film batean. [26]
Craig Zadan eta Neil Meron, exekutiboa film Oscar saria irabazi du Broadway musika Chicago egokitzapena ekoizle, Ziren Hairspray ekoizle gisa kontratatu, [27] eta hasi zen, seguru asko eztabaidatzen galdaketa John Travolta eta Billy Crystal (edo Jim Broadbent) gisa Edna eta Wilbur Turnblad, hurrenez hurren. [26] Thomas Meehan eta Mark O'Donnell, agertokian musika egiteko liburuaren egileek, idatzi zuen filmaren gidoia lehen zirriborroa, baina Leslie Dixon-ek ordezkatu ziren, familia komedia gidoilari. Esaterako Mrs. Doubtfire eta Freaky ostirala bezala [26] urtebeteko filmaren Who zuzendu behar on eztabaidatu ostean, Zadan eta Meron azkenean erabaki kontratatzea Adam Shankman zuzentzeko eta choreograph Biak Hairspray. [28] He izan dira kontratatu ikasteko ondoren, Shankman John Waters, OMEk gomendatu zion bilera bat antolatu "ez egin, zer egin nuen, ez zer antzezlana egin. Gotta egin duzu zure gauza". [12] ARREN Hau, Shankman adierazi da "Hairspray errepide guztiak John Waters berreskuratu" [12].
"It Takes Two", a solo for Link, was moved from its place in the stage musical (on Tracy's first day on ''The Corny Collins Show'') to an earlier ''Corny Collins'' scene, although only the coda of the song is used in the final release print, and the song's background music can be heard immediately after the reprise of "The Nicest Kids in Town". "Cooties", a solo for Amber in the stage musical, is present in this film as an instrumental during the Miss Teenage Hairspray dance-off. As with "Mama, I'm a Big Girl Now", a version of "Cooties", performed in a contemporary pop rendition by Aimee Allen, is present during the end credits.
Tory Gardner eta bere Alterian, Inc. enpresak kontratatu ziren John Travolta Edna Turnblad-en itxura diseinatzeko eta sortzeko. Rita Ryack-eko jantziak diseinatu zuen Edna jantzi erakargarri desberdinetan jartzea, eta, beraz, Travoltak prosthetikan kapsulatuta geratu zen. Silikonazko protesiak bere burua eta lepoan jantzi zituen, eta espuma eta aparra gorputz paloarekin konektatutako latexezko beso eta hanken aparra. [Citation needed]
The performance of a vintage dance called The Madison, present in both the 1988 film and the stage musical, was replaced for this version by a newly composed song, "Ladies' Choice". Portions of the Madison dance steps were integrated into the choreography for the musical number "You Can't Stop the Beat", and the song to which the dance is performed on Broadway can be heard during Motormouth Maybelle's platter party in the film, re-titled "Boink-Boink". "The Big Dollhouse", "Velma's Revenge" (a reprise of "Miss Baltimore Crabs"), and the reprise of "Good Morning Baltimore" were the only numbers from the musical not used in the film in any way.
Following the success of the Broadway musical of the same name, which won eight Tony Awards in 2003, New Line Cinema, who owned the rights to the 1988 John Waters film upon which the stage musical is based, became interested in adapting the stage show as a musical film. Development work began in late 2004, while a similarly film-to-Broadway-to-film project, Mel Brooks' ''The Producers'', was in production.
Shaiman and Wittman composed two new songs for the 2007 film: "Ladies' Choice", a solo for Link, and "Come So Far (Got So Far to Go)", a song performed during the end credits by Queen Latifah, Blonsky, Efron, and Kelley. Another "new" song in the 2007 film, "The New Girl in Town", had originally been composed for the Broadway musical, but was deemed unnecessary and discarded from the musical. Director Shankman decided to use the song to both underscore a rise-to-fame montage for Tracy and to showcase Maybelle's "Negro Day", which is never actually seen in either of the earlier incarnations of ''Hairspray''.
Craig Zadan and Neil Meron, the executive producers of the Academy Award-winning film adaptation of the Broadway musical ''Chicago'', were hired as the producers for ''Hairspray'', and began discussing possibly casting John Travolta and Billy Crystal (or Jim Broadbent) as Edna and Wilbur Turnblad, respectively. Thomas Meehan and Mark O'Donnell, authors of the book for the stage musical, wrote the first draft of the film's screenplay, but were replaced by Leslie Dixon, screenwriter for family comedies such as ''Mrs. Doubtfire'' and ''Freaky Friday''. After a year's deliberation on who should direct the film, Zadan and Meron finally decided to hire Adam Shankman to both direct and choreograph ''Hairspray''. Upon learning he had been hired, Shankman arranged a meeting with John Waters, who advised him "don't do what I did, don't do what the play did. You've gotta do your own thing." Despite this, Shankman still noted "all roads of ''Hairspray'' lead back to John Waters."
One additional Shaiman/Wittman song, a ballad entitled "I Can Wait", was composed for the film as a solo for Tracy, meant to replace the stage musical's reprise of "Good Morning Baltimore". "I Can Wait" was shot for the film (Tracy performs the number while locked in Prudy's basement), but was eventually deleted from the final release print. The audio recording of "I Can Wait" was made available as a special bonus track for customers who pre-ordered the ''Hairspray'' soundtrack on iTunes, and the scene itself was included as a special feature on the film's DVD release.
Tory Gardner and his company Alterian, Inc. were hired to design and create the look of Edna Turnblad on John Travolta. Costume designer Rita Ryack wanted to put Edna into several revealing outfits, so Travolta ended up being encapsulated in prosthetics. He wore silicone prosthetics on his head and neck, and foam latex arms and legs that connected to a spandex and foam body suit.<sup>[''citation needed'']</sup>
Post-production took place in Los Angeles. Composer/co-lyricist Shaiman continued work on the film's music, employing the Hollywood Symphony Orchestra to record instrumentation for both the songs and the incidental score.
=== ProductionEgokitzapen aldaketak ===
Dixon batez ere kontzientziatuta zegoen musikako eszenatokian dagoen campinessaren zati handiaren tonua [21]. 2007ko filmaren gidoiak 1988ko filmak baino musikako eszenatokian oinarritzen dira, eta bertsio honetan bertsioan dagoen lursailari egindako aldaketak oraindik ere geratzen dira. karaktere hauek, besteak jaregiten Hainbat 1988ko bertsioan kudeatzailea batetik, okertuta Acres Jolas Parkea kentzeak istorio batetik, eta (esaterako Arvin Hodgepile (rol Spritzer betetzen jauna), Velma senarra Franklin, Corny laguntzaile Tammy, beatniks du, et al. gisa) Velma, The Corny Collins Show filmaren geltokia arduratzen da.
One nabarmenagoa aldea etapa musika, jatorrizko filma, eta 2007an film Hairspray Tracy bertsioan artean dago Horrek ez du kartzelara joan 2007 bertsioan (horrela musika abestia "The Big Dollhouse" ezabatzea). Hairsprayren aurreko enkarnazioetan, Tracy atxilotu eta kartzelara eraman zuten beste protestanteekin batera. Edna aurkezten da bertsio honetan insecure introvert gisa, 1988ko filma eta musika etapa presentzia nahiko handiak kontrastea [21]. aldatu edo gehitu bertsio hau beste elementu asko dira, besteak Motormouth Maybelle en tontis eztabaida errima hitz egiten, eta Corny Collins 'Aldundian nerabeak kopurua bikoiztu (hamar Broadway aurrera hogei 2007 film) ohitura kentzea. [29 ]
=== Early development ===
Following the success of the Broadway musical of the same name, which won eight Tony Awards in 2003, New Line Cinema, who owned the rights to the 1988 John Waters film upon which the stage musical is based, became interested in adapting the stage show as a musical film. Development work began in late 2004, while a similarly film-to-Broadway-to-film project, Mel Brooks' ''The Producers'', was in production.
Dixon berregituratu Hairspray liburua zatiak abesti Hainbat gehiago naturalean nahasten lursailean sartu, bereziki baimendu "(zara) Me to denborarik gabeko" eta "non egon nintzen jakin nuen". "(Zara) Me to denborarik gabeko" berriki asmatu subplot bat Velma saiakera Edna eta Wilbur ezkontza hautsi eta mantentzeko Tracy The Corny Collins erakutsi off emaitza gisa inplikatzea aingura bihurtzen da. Abestia orain [21] Wilbur en Edna apologia gisa balio, jatorrizko bere etapa musika hizkuntza-in-masaila Wilbur eta Edna en beste bakoitzeko maitasun deklarazio gisa helburua gain. Bitartean, "Ezagutzen dut Non egon naizen" Horren ordez ari Maybelle abestu haurrek ari kartzelara utzi ondoren, orain Maybelle en marcha WYZT (on gertatzen etapa musikala da "Big, Ekaitz amaieran azpimarrak , eta Beautiful "). [21]
Craig Zadan and Neil Meron, the executive producers of the Academy Award-winning film adaptation of the Broadway musical ''Chicago'', were hired as the producers for ''Hairspray'', and began discussing possibly casting John Travolta and Billy Crystal (or Jim Broadbent) as Edna and Wilbur Turnblad, respectively. Thomas Meehan and Mark O'Donnell, authors of the book for the stage musical, wrote the first draft of the film's screenplay, but were replaced by Leslie Dixon, screenwriter for family comedies such as ''Mrs. Doubtfire'' and ''Freaky Friday''. After a year's deliberation on who should direct the film, Zadan and Meron finally decided to hire Adam Shankman to both direct and choreograph ''Hairspray''. Upon learning he had been hired, Shankman arranged a meeting with John Waters, who advised him "don't do what I did, don't do what the play did. You've gotta do your own thing." Despite this, Shankman still noted "all roads of ''Hairspray'' lead back to John Waters."
Abestia "Big, Ekaitz eta Beautiful" Tracy entregatu lerro bat inspiratu zen That original film ( "Orain Baltimore guztia jakingo handiagoa, rubia eta ederra naiz!"), baina etapa bertsioan eta Motormouth Maybelle abestia burutzen duen film hau. Abestiaren erreprodukzioa 2007ko filmeari gehitu zaio, hau Edna eta Velma-k abesten dute. [Citation needed]
Tory Gardner and his company Alterian, Inc. were hired to design and create the look of Edna Turnblad on John Travolta. Costume designer Rita Ryack wanted to put Edna into several revealing outfits, so Travolta ended up being encapsulated in prosthetics. He wore silicone prosthetics on his head and neck, and foam latex arms and legs that connected to a spandex and foam body suit.<sup>[''citation needed'']</sup>
=== Adaptation changes ===
Dixon was primarily hired to tone down much of the campiness inherent in the stage musical. The 2007 film's script is based primarily on the stage musical rather than the 1988 film, so several changes already made to the plot for the stage version remain in this version. These include dropping several characters from the 1988 version (such as Arvin Hodgepile (the role Mr. Spritzer fills), Velma's husband Franklin, Corny's assistant Tammy, the beatniks, et al.), removing the Tilted Acres amusement park from the story, and placing Velma in charge of the station where ''The Corny Collins Show'' is filmed.
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The song "Big, Blonde, and Beautiful" was inspired by a line that Tracy delivered in the original film ("Now all of Baltimore will know: I'm big, blonde and beautiful!"), but in the stage version and in this film, Motormouth Maybelle performs the song. A reprise of the song was added to the 2007 film, which is sung by Edna and Velma.<sup>[''citation needed'']</sup>
=== Pre-productionAurreprodukzioa andeta castingkastinga ===
Hairspray $ 75 milioi aurrekontuarekin ekoiztu zen. [3] David Rubin zuzendariaren zuzendaria, Atlanta, New York, eta Chicago ezezagunen ezezagunen biltzeko deialdia. Hogeita hamar hautagai baino gehiago entzun ondoren, [30] Nikki Blonsky, Great Neck-eko goi mailako ikaslea, New York-en Tracy-ko protagonistarako aukeratua izan zen. [31] Nikki Blonsky-k 18 urte zituen Tracy Turnblad-en rola jokatu zuen New Yorken. Ez zuen aurreko esperientzia profesionala antzeztu edo abestu. Blonsky-k auditioned zuen rola delako bere ametsa izan zen Tracy rola jokatu mu ikusi ondoren
Following the success of the Broadway musical of the same name, which won eight Tony Awards in 2003, New Line Cinema, who owned the rights to the 1988 John Waters film upon which the stage musical is based, became interested in adapting the stage show as a musical film. Development work began in late 2004, while a similarly film-to-Broadway-to-film project, Mel Brooks' ''The Producers'', was in production.
Craig Zadan and Neil Meron, the executive producers of the Academy Award-winning film adaptation of the Broadway musical ''Chicago'', were hired as the producers for ''Hairspray'', and began discussing possibly casting John Travolta and Billy Crystal (or Jim Broadbent) as Edna and Wilbur Turnblad, respectively. Thomas Meehan and Mark O'Donnell, authors of the book for the stage musical, wrote the first draft of the film's screenplay, but were replaced by Leslie Dixon, screenwriter for family comedies such as ''Mrs. Doubtfire'' and ''Freaky Friday''. After a year's deliberation on who should direct the film, Zadan and Meron finally decided to hire Adam Shankman to both direct and choreograph ''Hairspray''. Upon learning he had been hired, Shankman arranged a meeting with John Waters, who advised him "don't do what I did, don't do what the play did. You've gotta do your own thing." Despite this, Shankman still noted "all roads of ''Hairspray'' lead back to John Waters."
Tory Gardner and his company Alterian, Inc. were hired to design and create the look of Edna Turnblad on John Travolta. Costume designer Rita Ryack wanted to put Edna into several revealing outfits, so Travolta ended up being encapsulated in prosthetics. He wore silicone prosthetics on his head and neck, and foam latex arms and legs that connected to a spandex and foam body suit.<sup>[''citation needed'']</sup>
''Hairspray'' was produced on a budget of $75 million. Casting director, David Rubin, introduced an open casting call to cast unknowns in Atlanta, New York City, and Chicago. After auditioning over eleven hundred candidates, Nikki Blonsky a high school student from Great Neck, New York was chosen for the lead role of Tracy. Nikki Blonsky auditioned for the role of Tracy Turnblad in New York City in 2006 at eighteen years old. She had no previous professional experience in acting or in singing. Blonsky had auditioned for the role because it became her dream to play the role of Tracy after seeing the musical on Broadway. Blonsky, working at Cold Stone Creamery at the time, received the news from film director, Adam Shankman, that she had received the part. Relative unknowns Elijah Kelley and Taylor Parks were chosen through similar audition contests to portray siblings Seaweed and Little Inez Stubbs, respectively. John Travolta was finally cast as Edna, with Christopher Walken ultimately assuming the role of Wilbur. Several other stars, including Queen Latifah, James Marsden, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Allison Janney were chosen for the other supporting adult roles of Motormouth Maybelle, Corny Collins, Velma Von Tussle, and Prudy Pingleton, respectively. Teen stars Amanda Bynes, and Zac Efron were cast as Tracy's friends Penny and Link, and Brittany Snow was cast as her rival, Amber Von Tussle. Jerry Stiller, who played Wilbur Turnblad in the original film, appears as plus-sized women's clothes retailer Mr. Pinky in this version.
Since ''Hairspray''<nowiki/>'s plot focuses heavily on dance, choreography became a heavy focus for Shankman, who hired four assistant choreographers, Jamal Sims, Anne Fletcher, and Zach Woodlee, and put both his acting cast and over a hundred and fifty dancers through two months of rehearsals. The cast recorded the vocal tracks for their songs as coached by Elaine Overholt in the weeks just before principal photography began in September.
=== PrincipalArgazki photographyzuzendaritza ===
Principal photography took place in Toronto, and Hamilton, Ontario, Canada from September 5-December 8, 2006. ''Hairspray'' is explicitly set in Baltimore, Maryland and the original 1988 film had been shot on location there, but the 2007 film was shot primarily in Toronto because the city was better equipped with the sound stages necessary to film a musical. The opening shots of the descent from the clouds and the newspaper being dropped onto the stoop are the only times that the actual city of Baltimore is shown in the film.
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Thinner than most of the other men who have portrayed Edna, Travolta appeared onscreen in a large fat suit, and required four hours of makeup in order to appear before the cameras. His character's nimble dancing style belies her girth; Shankman based Edna's dancing style on the hippo ballerinas in the ''Dance of the Hours'' sequence in Walt Disney's 1940 animated feature, ''Fantasia''. Although early versions of the suit created "a dumpy, Alfred Hitchcock version of Edna," Travolta fought for the ability to give his character curves and a thick Baltimore accent. Designed by Tony Gardner, the fat suit was created using lightweight synthetic materials, consisting of layered pads and silicone, which was used from the chest upwards. The suit provided the additional benefit of covering Travolta's beard, eliminating the problem of his facial hair growing through his makeup midday.
=== Shankman'sShankmanen inspirationsinspirazio iturria ===
Shankman included "a lot of winks" to films that influenced his work on ''Hairspray'':
* The film's opening shot — a bird's eye view of Baltimore that eventually descends from the clouds to ground level — is a combination of the opening shots of ''West Side Story'' and ''The Sound of Music''.
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* The dress that Penny wears during "You Can't Stop the Beat" is made from her bedroom curtains, which can be seen during "Without Love". This is homage to ''The Sound of Music'', where Maria uses old curtains to make play clothes for the von Trapp children.
== ReceptionHarrera ==
=== Box office ===
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Bonus features on the two-disc release include two audio commentaries, a feature-length production documentary, featurettes on the earlier versions of ''Hairspray'', dance instruction featurettes, deleted scenes including Tracy's deleted song "I Can Wait", a slightly extended ending, and an alternate version of the "Big, Blonde and Beautiful" reprise, and behind-the-scenes looks at the production of each of the film's dance numbers. The Blu-ray release, a two-disc release, includes all of the features from the two-disc DVD, and includes a picture-in-picture behind-the-scenes feature, which runs concurrently with the film. An HD DVD version of the film was originally slated for release in 2008, but was canceled due to New Line Cinema's announcement that it would go Blu-ray exclusive with immediate effect, thus dropping HD DVD support.
=== AwardsSariak ===
Following is a list of awards that ''Hairspray'' or its cast have won or for which they have been nominated.
{| class="wikitable"
; Irabazitakoak
; Wins
* 2008 MTV Movie Awards
** Breakthrough Performance (Male) - Zac Efron
224 ⟶ 230 lerroa:
** Hall of Shame - John Travolta
; Nominazioak
; Nominations
* 65th Golden Globe Awards
** Best Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy
253 ⟶ 259 lerroa:
== CancelledEzeztatutako sequelsekuela ==
Hairsprayren arrakasta ekonomikoa zela eta, New Line Cinemak John Watersi eskatu zion filmaren sekuela idazteko. Waters zuzendari eta koreografoa izan zen Adam Shankmanekin elkartu zen proiektua garatzeko, eta Marc Shaiman eta Scott Wittman konpositoreak filmeko ikuskizun musikalak konposatzeko ardura hartuko zuten. Istorioa 60ko hamarkadaren bukaeran egongo litzateke kokatua, musikaren eta inbasio Britainiarraren garaian hain zuzen, Vietnameko Guda eta mugimendu Hippia oinarri harturik. Kasting ofizialerako deialdirik aurkeztu ez zenez, New Linek esan zuen Hairspray originaleko pertsonaien zati handi bat mantentzeko esperantza zuela. Dena dela, John Travoltak publikoki jakinarazi zuen ez zuela sekuelan parte hartuko. Sekuela 2010eko uztaila erdialderako aurkeztuko zuen [[Warner Bros.|Warner Bros]]<nowiki/>ek, New Line Cinemaren jabea izanik. Hala ere, 2010eko ekainean Shankmanek prentsa britainiarrari adierazi zion Hairspray2: White Lipstick en garapena etena zegoela. Shakmanek ere gehitu zuen ez dela sekuelarik egongo.
Due to ''Hairspray''<nowiki/>'s financial success, New Line Cinema had asked John Waters to write a sequel to the film. Waters reunited with director/choreographer Adam Shankman for the project, and songwriters Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman were set to compose the film's musical numbers.
The story would have looked at Tracy's entering the late 1960s era of music and the British Invasion, and used the Hippie movement and Vietnam War as backdrops. While no official casting was announced, New Line said that they hoped to "snag much of the original ''Hairspray'' cast." John Travolta, however, publicly announced that he would not return because he is "not a big sequel guy".
The sequel was set for a mid-July 2010 release by Warner Bros., which owns New Line Cinema. However in June 2010, Shankman told British press that ''Hairspray 2: White Lipstick'' was no longer in development. Shankman has also said that there will be no sequel.