2016ko Turkiako estatu-kolpe saiakera: berrikuspenen arteko aldeak

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Egunean bertan Erdoğan presidenteak jendea deitu zuen kalean kolpearen aurka agertzeko. Uztailaren 16an Binali Yıldırım lehen ministroak egoera "guztiz kontrolpean" zegoela adierazi zuen eta saiakera "Turkiako demokrazian orban beltz bat" bezala izendatu zuen. Saiakera ostean gobernuak 2,839 atxiloketa burutu zituen.
The attempt caused damage to property and injuries to more than a thousand people. In Ankara, the Turkish Parliament and the Presidential Palace were bombed.[5][6][7][8] Shots were heard near major airports in Ankara and Istanbul.[19] Reportedly, no government official was arrested or harmed, which among other factors raised the suspicion of a false flag event staged by the government itself.[20] Reactions to the event were largely unfavorable both domestically and internationally. The main opposition parties in Turkey condemned the attempt.[21][22] International leaders—such as those from the European Union, NATO, and the United States—called to respect the institutions in Turkey and its elected officials. Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım addressed the media on 16 July 2016 stating that the situation was now "completely under control"; he called the coup attempt a "black stain on Turkish democracy". Mass arrests followed the coup attempt with 2,839 soldiers detained by the government.[23]
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