Corrientes: berrikuspenen arteko aldeak

Ezabatutako edukia Gehitutako edukia
Xirkan (eztabaida | ekarpenak)
Xirkan (eztabaida | ekarpenak)
No edit summary
7. lerroa:
| izen alternatiboa = San Juan de Vera de las Siete Corrientes
| probintziabalioa = Probintzia
| probintzia = [[Corrientesko probintzia|Corrientes]]
| postakodea =
| kokapena = kokapenmapa
20. lerroa:
| altuera = 52
| azalera = 500
| biztanleria = 314346.546334
| bizt_urtea = 20012010
| dentsitatea = 657,3
| besterik1 =
| besterik1balioa =
28. lerroa:
| oharrak =
'''Corrientes''' ([[guaraniera]]z: ''Taraguí'') [[Argentina]]ko ipar-ekialdean dagoenekialdeko hiria da, [[Corrientesko probintzia|izen bereko probintziaren]]ren hiriburua. dena,[[Paraguai ibaia|Paraguai]] eta Parana[[Paraná]] ibaien bilgunean dago. Bertan[[2010]]ean 314346.546334 biztanle (2001)zituen<ref biziname="pop">{{erreferentzia|izena= dira|abizena= |url= |izenburua= Corrientes |bilduma= | argitaletxea= |sartze-data = 2015-09-26}}</ref>. Apezpikutegia eta unibertsitatea ditu hiriak.
Nazioarteko aireportua eta ibai-portua izateaz gain, merkataritzagune garrantzitsua da: azukre-findegiak, haragi-kontserbak, tabakoa, ehungintza, kimika industria eta zapatagintza. .
== Klima ==
<div style="width:75%;">
|location = Corrientes 1961–1990 bitartean, muturrekoak 1970–gaur egun
|metric first = yes
|single line = yes
|Jan record high C = 40.9
|Feb record high C = 40.47
|Mar record high C = 3839.06
|Apr record high C = 3637.52
|May record high C = 3234.71
|Jun record high C = 31.57
|Jul record high C = 3233.30
|Aug record high C = 3436.94
|Sep record high C = 3840.29
|Oct record high C = 41.0
|Nov record high C = 42.4
|Dec record high C = 41.1
|Janyear record high C = 3342.54
|FebJan high C = 3233.10
|MarFeb high C = 3031.69
|AprMar high C = 2630.21
|MayApr high C = 2326.56
|JunMay high C = 2023.19
|JulJun high C = 20.9
|AugJul high C = 2321.16
|SepAug high C = 2322.96
|OctSep high C = 2824.05
|NovOct high C = 2927.76
|Nov high C = 29.6
|Dec high C = 32.1
|year high C = 27.0
|Jan mean C = 2726.28
|Feb mean C = 2625.29
|Mar mean C = 24.53
|Apr mean C = 21.20
|May mean C = 18.3
|Jun mean C = 15.25
|Jul mean C = 15.36
|Aug mean C = 1716.15
|Sep mean C = 1718.94
|Oct mean C = 21.74
|Nov mean C = 23.96
|Dec mean C = 25.9
|year mean C = 21.1
|Jan low C = 21.30
|Feb low C = 20.86
|Mar low C = 19.2
|Apr low C = 16.92
|May low C = 13.5
|Jun low C = 10.78
|Jul low C = 10.67
|Aug low C = 11.81
|Sep low C = 12.56
|Oct low C = 15.74
|Nov low C = 1817.48
|Dec low C = 19.7
|year low C = 15.7
|Jan record low C = 12.4
|Feb record low C = 11.0
|Mar record low C = 7.6
|Apr record low C = 43.69
|May record low C = -0.4
|Jun record low C = -2.8
|Jul record low C = -2.0
|Aug record low C = 0-1.02
|Sep record low C = 0.5
|Oct record low C = 3.2.8
|Nov record low C = 87.32
|Dec record low C = 8.3
|year record low C = -2.8
|precipitation colour = green
|Jan precipitation mm = 166176.14
|Feb precipitation mm = 156147.91
|Mar precipitation mm = 205163.96
|Apr precipitation mm = 284174.62
|May precipitation mm = 12598.20
|Jun precipitation mm = 9162.80
|Jul precipitation mm = 4850.51
|Aug precipitation mm = 6056.35
|Sep precipitation mm = 8374.08
|Oct precipitation mm = 129120.7
|Nov precipitation mm = 174145.85
|Dec precipitation mm = 118121.82
|year precipitation mm = 1390.1
|Jan humidity = 70
|Feb humidity = 7574
|Mar humidity = 7877
|Apr humidity = 8379
|May humidity = 8180
|Jun humidity = 8380
|Jul humidity = 7978
|Aug humidity = 7574
|Sep humidity = 7472
|Oct humidity = 7170
|Nov humidity = 7370
|Dec humidity = 6968
|year humidity = 75.974
|Janunit precipitation days = 80.1 mm
|Jan precipitation days = 9
|Feb precipitation days = 9
|Mar precipitation days = 9
|Apr precipitation days = 129
|May precipitation days = 87
|Jun precipitation days = 87
|Jul precipitation days = 7
|Aug precipitation days = 67
|Sep precipitation days = 87
|Oct precipitation days = 9
|Nov precipitation days = 119
|Dec precipitation days = 8
|year precipitation days =
|Jan sun = 279.0
|Feb sun = 245243.86
|Mar sun = 232.5
|Apr sun = 204.0
152 ⟶ 154 lerroa:
|Nov sun = 261.0
|Dec sun = 291.4
|year sun = 2702.1
|source 1 = Servicio Meteorologico Nacional,<ref name = SMN>{{erreferentzia
|Jan percentsun = 66
|Feb percentsun = 67
|language = Spanish
|Mar percentsun = 61
|izenburua=Datos Estadísticos (Período 1981-1990)
|Apr percentsun = 59
|argitaletxea= National Meteorological Service of Argentina
|May percentsun = 60
|sartze-data=August 23, 2012
|Jun percentsun = 54
}}</ref> NOAA (extremes)<ref name= NOAA>{{erreferentzia
|Jul percentsun = 57
|url =
|Aug percentsun = 55
|izenburua= CORRIENTES AERO Climate Normals 1961-1990
|Sep percentsun = 54
|argitaletxea = [[National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration]]
|Oct percentsun = 62
|sartze-data = October 30, 2012}}</ref>
|Nov percentsun = 65
|source 2 = Hong Kong Observatory (sun only 1961-1990)<ref name = HKO>{{erreferentzia
|Dec percentsun = 67
|year percentsun = 61
|izenburua=Climatological Information for Corrientes, Argentina
|source 1 = NOAA,<ref name = NOAA>
|argitaletxea= Hong Kong Observatory
|sartze-data=September 1, 2012
| url =
| izenburua = Corrientes AERO Climate Normals 1961–1990
| |argitaletxea = [[National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration]]
| sartze-data = 2015eko martxoak 29}}</ref> Oficina de Riesgo Agropecuario (muturreko tenperaturak)</ref>
|source 12 = Servicio MeteorologicoMeteorológico Nacional, (precipitation days)<ref name = SMN>{{erreferentzia
{{cite web
| url =
| izenburua = Valores Medios de Temperature y Precipitación-Corrientes: Corrientes
| argitaletxea = Servicio Meteorológico Nacional
| |sartze-data = October2015eko 30,martxoak 201229}}</ref>
|date=August 2012
== Ekonomia ==
Nazioarteko aireportua eta ibai-portua izateaz gain, merkataritzagune garrantzitsua da: azukre-findegiak, haragi-kontserbak, tabakoa, ehungintza, kimika industria eta zapatagintza. .
== Erreferentziak ==
{{ lur | data=2011/12/30}}
{{geografia zirriborroa|ARG}}
[[Kategoria:Corrientesko udalerriak]]
[[Kategoria:Argentinako udalerriakprobintzietako hiriburuak]]