Ezabatutako edukia Gehitutako edukia
Barrie (eztabaida | ekarpenak)
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17. lerroa:
** http://www1.euskadi.net/euskalterm/indicei_i.htm
The web page of the [[euskaltzaindia]] (the authority who makes/creates the rules of the basque language ([[Euskara batua|batua]]) since 1968 more or less) is in basque, but I leave it [http://www.euskaltzaindia.net/ here], if you want. And I don't have messenger (oh, and all the sites I found are in english). —[[Lankide:Barrie|Barrie]] • [[Lankide eztabaida:Barrie|(postontzia)]] 14:52, 13 Urria 2006 (UTC)
== Grammar ==
Egunon Jati!
"Icelandair konpainiarentzat egiten dut lan"
Icelandiar kompainiarentzat ''lan'' egiten dut.
Subject Object Verb
the basque is a SOV language.